ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO…... has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? Was someone baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?
Who is OCIA for?
*Non-Catholics who want to find out more about the Catholic Faith *Those who want to join the Catholic Church through Baptism, or Profession of Faith *Those who were baptized Catholic as infants but never received religious education, Confirmation, or First Eucharist and are now 17 years an older.
God is calling YOU! He calls us each of us to seek him, know him and to love him. Begin and grow your relationship with God through the Catholic Church.
Do you identify with any of these statements? * I have never been baptized, and desire to learn more about the Catholic faith. * I was baptized Catholic, but never received the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and/or Confirmation and desire to receive it. * I was baptized in another Christian denomination and desire to learn more about the Catholic Church. * I have children who are 7 years or older who have never been baptized and desire them to be baptized.
No matter where you are on your faith journey, we are honored to walk with you and guide you towards a more intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.