Baptism is the gateway to the sacraments and necessary for salvation by actual reception or at least by desire, is validly conferred only by a washing of true water with the proper form of words.
Through baptism, men are freed from sin, are born again as children of God, and incorporated into the Church, are configured to Christ by an indelible character. Children over 7 years of age and adults who wish to receive the sacrament of Baptism must receive catechism and go through a period of discernment before receiving the sacrament of Baptism. They must enroll in the RCIA or Christian Initiation of Adults program. Weekly meetings generally begin in October to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Baptism during the Easter Vigil.
Baptism of Children
To baptize a child under the age of 7 at St. Mary of the Valley Parish, you must live within the parish boundaries, or be registered as a parishioner or obtain authorization from the parish that corresponds to your address. The child's parents or at least one of them or the person who legitimately takes their place must give their consent for the child to be baptized and there must be a reasonable hope that the child will be educated in the Catholic faith. Regular participation in Sunday Mass is the clearest way to cement the hope that the child will be educated in the practice of the Catholic faith. If that hope is altogether absent and the child is not in immediate danger of death, the celebration of the baptism will be deferred.
Baptisms at St. Mary of the Valley are celebrated on the second and fourth Saturday of the month at 11:00 in the morning. There are no baptisms during the Lenten season. It is essential that the celebration of baptism be properly prepared. Parents and godparents must be instructed about the meaning of the sacrament and the obligations inherent to their functions.
Baptism of Children
To baptize a child under the age of 7 at St. Mary of the Valley Parish, you must live within the parish boundaries, or be registered as a parishioner or obtain authorization from the parish that corresponds to your address. The child's parents or at least one of them or the person who legitimately takes their place must give their consent for the child to be baptized and there must be a reasonable hope that the child will be educated in the Catholic faith. Regular participation in Sunday Mass is the clearest way to cement the hope that the child will be educated in the practice of the Catholic faith. If that hope is altogether absent and the child is not in immediate danger of death, the celebration of the baptism will be deferred.
Baptisms at St. Mary of the Valley are celebrated on the second and fourth Saturday of the month at 11:00 in the morning. There are no baptisms during the Lenten season. It is essential that the celebration of baptism be properly prepared. Parents and godparents must be instructed about the meaning of the sacrament and the obligations inherent to their functions.
For the grace of Baptism to unfold, the parents’ help is important. A child is not admitted to baptism without the consent of both parents. PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO DO THE FOLLOWING:
When classes are taken in another Parish, a certificate or statement from that church must be presented stating the date of the class. BAPTISM CLASSES IN ENGLISH 2025 IN ROOM 8
2025 January 25 at 11am February 8 & 22 at 11am Abril 26 at 11am May 24 at 11am June 14 & 28 at 11am July 12 & 26 at 11am August 30 at 11am September 13 & 27 at 11am October 11 & 25 at 11am November 8 & 22 at 11am |
Baptismal Symbols
The role of the godfather and godmother is also important. They are chosen by the parents of the child to be baptized. They should be firm believers, able and ready to help the newly baptized to grow in their Catholic faith. Church law requires that a godparent or sponsor be at least sixteen years old, have received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation, and be a practicing Catholic. A catholic person who has not completed his/her Christian initiation (that is, has not received First Communion and Confirmation), or if they are not catholic, they may serve as Christian witnesses but not as godparents. Godparents or sponsors must submit proof of their own baptism and confirmation. Godparents must attend, together with the parents, a Baptism preparation class, preferably at St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church. See below for Baptism classes at St. Mary of the Valley Church. Only one godparent or sponsor is required. If there are two, there should be one of each sex. If one of the godparents cannot be present in person, he or she may appoint another person to represent him or her by proxy. COST The sacraments, like baptism, are free of charge. However, we ask for a payment of $70.00 per child, to cover administrative expenses.. We kindly ask you to make your the payment when you complete the registration form for baptism. REGISTRATION FOR BAPTISM The baby is not considered registered for Baptism until ALL requirements are fulfilled, and then the date for the baptism will be confirmed. It is your responsibility to make sure all the requirements are completed at the stipulated times. |